Yes, Days fans, Allison Sweeney as Sami Brady will be back on our screens again causing mayhem and charming our pants off!
Official Confirmation!
Sweeney will play the wildly popular character, Sami Brady, once again on Days of Our Lives, for an “extended visit,” she told Soap Opera Digest. See Sweeney’s excited Instagram post on the topic below.
“From my end, it takes a little bit of logistics with projects I’m working on,” Sweeney said. “And unfortunately, this year’s been hard for me because of my knee injury, so I had to push some stuff back. So, I figured out a schedule, blocked out some time that I had available and we figured it out! I’ll be shooting in Salem in May and June.”
“I am extremely excited. I miss Sami,” she told Soap Opera Digest in its latest print edition, coming to newsstands later this week.
His First Big Move
Sweeney’s return is new Days Head Writer, Ron Carlivati’s, first big move since he took over top scribe duties at the NBC sudser.
Carlivati is known for bringing fan favorites back and honoring show history, so we wouldn’t be surprised if Sweeney’s return sets the stage for more Salem fave comebacks. And, if this extended visit is successful and a hit with fans–and you just know it will be–could Sweeny be back for good? So, dear Soap Cities readers, let’s watch, let Days know how we feel, and see that that happens!
Sweeney’s been busy making a franchise out of her Hallmark Channel Murder She Baked movies and doing other projects, but if the deal is sweet enough, we think she could be lured back to a permanent residence in Salem. After all, she played Sami for 21 years and has said repeatedly how much she loved it. And fans just can’t get enough of her, of course!.
Give us your input in the comment section below. Check back with Soap Cities for more Days spoilers, recaps, news, and fun! Follow us on Twitter at @soapcities, on Instagram at @soapcities, and come chat with us in our Facebook group. Catch “Days of Our Lives” weekdays on NBC.
Discussion5 Comments
It’s about tiime bring back E J too. Let’s get the rating up
So, this is going to be similar to what I posted under the story of Gabriel Miller’s audition tape. That being said, back in November a story was released about a blonde teen (Annalisa Cochrane) being cast on days as “Alyssa.” Many fans have speculated this was code for Ali Horton, Sami and Lucas’s daughter. Then, last week, Gabriel Miller’s video was revealed, and it looks suspiciously like an EJ audition (and we all remember EJ’s last scene with Kristen injecting him with something). Now, we get news that Alison Sweeney is returning as Sami (and last we heard, she was going off to look for EJ). Could all of these things be one big coincidence? It’s possible, but I highly doubt it. At least, I seriously hope not. Even if it is a new EJ, I would like to see both he and Sami back. An aged Ali, Johnny, and Sidney would be nice too. The DiMera’s need more than Chad and Andre. I keep hoping they will eventually start playing around with the fact that Theo is a DiMera. With Theo and a SORAS’ed Johnny and Sidney, we could have a whole new generation of DiMeras, and they would have some great training from Andre, EJ, and Sami. Plus, you have Chad and either Abby or Gabi (whoever he ends up with) set perfectly between the two generations.
On a similar note, I LOVED Stefano, and the late Joseph Mascolo will forever be missed by Days fans of all generations; however, I was hoping Abby would make Chad get rid of the giant portrait of his father. Maybe Gabi will have better luck. It is not that I don’t like the reminder of Stefano, but for the last few years, the placing of that portrait (and the replacement of it by others) has represented a power shift in the family/company/house. Chad has the power at the moment, I would like to see that symbolism continue.
Oh, here’s your earlier comment, Ian. Glad we found it!
Well, I posted a comment but for some reason it isn’t showing up, so I will try again. The shortened version, because I do not want to type it all again. In November, they revealed that a young, blonde teen, Annalisa Cochrane, had been cast as “Alyssa.” Many fans speculated that this could be Ali Horton (daughter of Sami and Lucas). Last week, Gabriel Miller released a video that looked suspiciously like an EJ audition. Now, today, we get news that Alison Sweeney is coming back as Sami. Granted, all these things could be coincidences, but do any of us really believe that?
Sorry your earlier comment got deleted, Ian! Glad you re-commenteed. We totally agree all these things have a good chance of being related.