No one knows love like Erica Kane, so it’s only fitting she’s teaming up with some old friends to give away a car to the best submission in an intriguing contest.
Love is a Many Splendored Thing
On the heels of her week-long co-hosting gig on the Hallmark Channel’s “Home and Family” (HF) lifestyle talk show, Susan Lucci (Erica Kane, “All My Children”) is joining with her old pals there for a very special giveaway.
Whomever provides the winning submission in response to the call for a thirty-second video detailing “what love means to you” will win a Ford Edge, according to the show’s Facebook page.
Love Isn’t About Material Things, But…
We don’t mean to say that l’amour is based on consumption, but this car is a beauty! You can see it and more details about the contest in HF’s Facebook post on it below.
Some Tips From Soap Cities
Now soap fans, as followers of daytime, we are in prime positions to win this contest. We’ve spent our daytime careers watching people fall in and out of love, love’s many permutations, what nurtures love and what destroys it. Surely, many of you out there have excellent answers to this idea of how you define l-o-v-e.
Love, in its many forms, of parents, children, romantic partners, extended family, career, and life overall, among others, is arguably the central theme of daytime serials. It’s no wonder soap operas got the nickname, “Love in the Afternoon.”
Enter the contest to see if you’ll be rewarded handsomely for your no-doubt wise, poetic musing on what love means to you.
Susan Lucci will return to HF on its March 21st episode to announce the winner, according to Michael Fairman.
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