Days of our Lives

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Friday, November 3rd: Kate’s Under Serious Pressure!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, November 3rd, reveal that the stupendous citizens…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Thursday, November 2nd: Adrienne Tells Lucas the Truth!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, November 2nd, reveal that the sassy souls…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Wednesday, November 1st: Paul Confides In John Re: Sonny
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, November 1st, reveal that all your Salem…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Tuesday, October 31st: Chad and Abigail Learn Ben Escaped
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, October 31st, reveal that the sassy souls…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Monday, October 30th: Eve Drops a Bombshell!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Monday, October 30th, reveal that the sassy souls…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Friday, October 27th: Salem Stunned When Eve Returns!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, October 27th tease that the sassy souls…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Thursday, October 26th: Eric Confronts Brady About Nicole!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Thursday, October 26th, tease that the sassy souls…More

Soap Icon Eileen Davidson Dishes on Her Upcoming Days of Our Lives Return!
Eileen Davidson offereed to-die-for details on her impending Salem comeback! You Can Make Banks On…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Wednesday, October 25th: Teamwork Gets the Job Done for Bonnie
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, October 25th, tease that Hump Day is…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Tuesday, October 24th: Hope Takes Sami Downtown!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, October 24th, tease that the scandalous souls…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Monday, October 23rd: Bonnie and Victor Say I Do–or Don’t?!
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Monday, October 23rd, predict that the sassy souls…More

Days of Our Lives Spoilers, Friday, October 20th: The Wedding of the Century–er, Week?
The Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, October 20th, predict that the silly, sexy…More