By: Chris Chagaris
The soap legend gave a revealing one-on-one interview with longtime friend/photographer Jim Warren in Soaps In Depth Special Collector’s Edition: Maurice Benard Celebrating 25 Years as General Hospital’s SONNY on sale now!! This special, one-of-a-kind issue is devoted to all things Maurice to celebrate this tremendous milestone!
It is no secret that the character of Sonny Corinthos can veer from controversial to just plain lovable and sensitive all at the same time. Credit for these very layered and nuanced performances goes to the man himself, Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos). We at Soap Cities have excerpted some of Maurice’s exclusive interview to give readers a taste of what this very versatile and talented actor had to say. Read on, dear readers!
Excerpt from Soaps In Depth Special Collector’s Edition:
Jim Warren: What do you think is your best quality?
Maurice Benard: I don’t bull—-.
JW: How do you think your life would have been different if you weren’t bipolar?
MB: It’s definitely made me a better person, being bipolar, because I’ve had to deal with a lot of pain, a lot of angst because of it, and that always brings strength. If I wasn’t bipolar, I don’t think I would have been an actor. Everything that I’ve been through because of my mental illness has made me a better actor.
JW: What qualities do you see in actors that make you like them or get close to them?
MB: The qualities in actors that I like is somebody who can dig real deep, has those kinds of skills, take direction, not be arrogant and be professional.
JW: You’re on social media plenty, and you keep your fans and followers happy. How do you avoid the trap that some other actors fall into? You’re not political, you’re not preachy … how do you stop yourself from doing that?
MB: I count to 10 before I speak. I really do. Before I say something, I usually mull it over. But if I do feel strongly about something, I’ll say it. That I do.
Want more?! With more than 95 pages packed with General Hospital memories, writer interviews, photos, and trivia this collector’s edition is a must-have!
This special Benard tribute includes not only exclusive interviews with Benard and longtime co-stars Steve Burton (Jason), Vanessa Marcil (ex-Brenda) and Laura Wright (Carly), it features picture-packed recaps of Sonny’s hottest plotlines, romantic retellings of the character’s sexiest love stories and personal anecdotes about the leading man’s beautiful real-life wife, Paula, and their family, his private passions, and greatest joys.
So, don’t miss out on getting this special collector’s item that includes a look back at Sonny’s Greatest Hits and Early Years, his most memorable Love Stories, Special Tributes from his friends and co-stars and the EXCLUSIVE interview we excerpted above!
You can get your own copy of the must-have book for fans of GH and Benard at Walmart, Barnes & Noble, Sam’s Club and newsstands everywhere now! Or you can order your own copy right now by visiting Soaps In Depth’s online store!
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