Alicia Minshew is set to appear on the popular NBC series The Blacklist
Daytime Diva to Primetime Doctor!
All My Children fans will no doubt be thrilled to see Minshew (Kendall Slater) grace the small screen. She posted a picture on Instagram that looks as if it was taken on The Blacklist’s set, where she’s wearing doctor’s scrubs stained with fake blood! It read, “Just hanging out in scrubs with blood on my face. NOT a good look for me, but loads of fun!”
Related: Susan Lucci and others are eagerly looking forward to another AMC reboot!
No information was given as to Minshew’s airdate, but of course Soap Cities will be on top of it and let readers know any news we find out!
Daytime Darling
Don’t Miss: ABC exec Nathan Varni on AMC and OLTL‘s bright futures
Minshew gained a legion of daytime fans–the most passionate and loyal kind around!–with her portrayal of Kendall on AMC. She, of course, was THE legacy character to end all legacy characters: Erica Kane’s (Susan Lucci) daughter! We’re sure all you AMC fans remember the soapy deliciousness she got into on a regular basis, including a soap super-coupling with Zack Slater (Thorsten Kaye).
Must-Read: See the great honor bestowed upon this fan fave AMC character and multi-soap vet.
We have high hopes that when AMC 3.0 hits our screens, she’ll sign on to reprise the role that made her a sassy serial star.
Give us your input in the comment section below. Check back with Soap Cities for more AMC/OLTL news, updates, fun, and more! Follow us on Twitter at @soapcities, on Instagram at @soapcities, and come chat with us in our Facebook group. All My Children and One Life to Live will one day be back on-screenânever doubt! If you want more soap action 24/7, go to Soap Fans United!
Discussion1 Comment
When ARE you all going to give up on AMC and OLTL returning?
It’s NEVER going to happen…at least on a broadcast network! The amount of money it would cost just to get these shows up and running is prohibitive and no network will do it! They will stick with their boring talk shows that are cheap to produce. It’s all about the $$$ with the networks, and soaps don’t make them enough. PERIOD.
We need to be supportive of the four soaps that are left and just pray that they don’t leave!