While it’s still unclear who Steve Burton will play on General Hospital, we’re asking a question based on an undeniable fact–only one person can play Jason Morgan!
Two Decades of JMo
For 22 years, Steve Burton played Jason on General Hospital. Burton took the character from genial Quartermaine Golden Boy to brooding mob enforcer, Quartermaine to Morgan.
He and Kelly Monaco (Sam Morgan) had some sizzling chemistry, and he and Sonny (Maurice Benard) were a pretty much perfect pair too.
Then in 2012 came the shocking news that Burton would vacate the role he seemed so happy in and that fans loved.
Recast Reaction
More shocking news followed that of Burton’s decision to leave GH. The role would be recast with Billy Miller, who had played Billy Abbott on The Young and the Restless to as much fan adulation and with as much seeming satisfaction as Burton on GH.
Recasting iconic soap roles is always a big gamble, right, dear Soap Cities readers? How could anyone possibly fill the shoes of a fan fave actor in a role they’ve put their indelible stamp on?
Don’t Miss: Jennifer Bassey is killin’ it as Quinn the Literary Agent, right?
But Billy Miller did the almost impossible! He not only made the role his own, but fans embraced him in it.
Freaky Friday, Port Charles Edition
Now Burton is on his way back to General Hospital. We don’t know who he’s going to play, but we have a question we want all you fans to answer. Who do you want to play Jason?! Vote in our poll below!
Before You Go: James DePaiva will now debut in a mysterious new role on GH on this day.
Give us your input in the comment section below. Check back with Soap Cities for more GH spoilers, recaps, news, and fun! Follow us on Twitter at @soapcities, on Instagram at @soapcities, and come chat with us in our Facebook group. Catch General Hospital weekdays on ABC.
Discussion68 Comments
FINALLY!!!! The REAL Jason Q. Morgan returns home!!! Sam can keep Fake Jake! Looking forward to a Jason and Elizabeth reunion and eventually “Liason Endgame”! Liason fans have been bashed and forgotten for too long. We’ve had our history not only rewritten but almost erased! We have patiently waited for our Liason’s Happy Ever After; many have left after being so disrespected. It’s OUR time! Time for the Greatest Love Story NEVER Told! Liason Forever!!!
he had no chemistry at all with kelly her and billy are hot,hot,hot sb had nothing with lizzard at all either.they were a one night stand don’t know why people ever thought they were.he should never,everhave been allowed back.he stunk.
I don’t agree at all….steve and kelly had so much chemistry
Steve’s returne should bring him back to the Jason Stone Cold actor
Wow! You said t all it is not fair to billy miller he has played Jason and is doing an awesome job
Yes i agree also..kelly and steve burton (best jason ever) do have better chemistry
Keep Billy, he’s awesome
He is NOT JASON MORGAN !!Too safe and boring !!
SB can be with Liz(doubt he want to)but it will not make a different, no one still will not watch! Bh been on the front burner since FV got to GH and all she have given GH is a 0.6. She never does well on the front burner and GH going to get cancelled because of it! It will be her who will have to find a job and no one else wants to deal with the drama! So it matters not. They have been pimping Fritz for over a year and seems that tamked RH don’t want to do it anymore! Its her what 9 or 10th pairing and she cannot make it happen even with all the pimping! Put Liz with Parker,maybe women will be better!
LIASON all the way!!
Yes. It is like Steve Burton is Jason “Born”.
That’s very cleverly-put, Tyrone. 🙂
The real Jason Morgan Steve Burton, no one can match him !
that would be awesome to finally let Liz and jason have their ever after that they have been always wanting since I was young and started watching this.. I love the Kelly and billy together but there is nothing like the Liz and steve (jason).. They deserve their happiness finally.. Liason has all the chemistry they need they have gone thru so many trials and tribulations and never gave up on each other.. They remind me of these people who have been married for 30 years plus.. They are Beautiful and so great together. ..
I would rather see Liz and Sam have an affair before seeing either in a love scene with Steve Burton.
Well now there’s an idea! 🙂
Where can I see the results for this Billy Miller-Steve Burton poll?
They should have been viewable in that article, but I see that they’re not. We’ll try to put them in their again and alert you when done. It seems fans were split 50/50 almost–or 60/40 for Steve Burton.
We lost too many good actors just to get him back. I always loved Steve but I’m too disappointed at the cost. Don’t care who he plays.
We’re starting to feel the same way, Rebecca Budig, Will deVry, and possibly Michael Easton? No one is worth those losses, and we even really like Steve Burton. There had to have been a way to keep them all.
i am agreeing with you 100 percent i think the remainder of the soaps that are left are getting nuts these are all talented actors so they get basically a goodbye thanks for nothing? if the soaps dont have the money to keep these people how do you justify new actors? i am very disgusted
i agree mindy i dont think it is fair for steve burton to come back and i think the powers that be should have told him to go pound salt he is only going to jump ship after awhile
Exactly, Debbie. There’s an arrogance about Steve’s disruptive behavior that is really on my nerves.
Billy Miller as Jason period! Remember Jason had reconstructed plastic surgery on his face after that accident. Steve Burton can come as another character AS FAR AS I’M CONCERNED!
Billy Miller is Jason now-Steve Burton left us in 2012,went to Y&R,and will be gone again soon!!!! The reason why is he has his Port Chuck group,his family and his resturant in TN,and he’ll want to go back there sooner or later!!!! Besides,Steve only takes off his shirt and kisses the woman in a love scene,due to his marriage!!!!! With Billy,there are no holds barred-remember their love scenes? To me,there’s just no comparison-they better not fire Billy for him!!! They’ve already fired Hayden-I’m crying about Fayden!!!!
BM as Jason too overbearing, angry. Why shouldn’t Sam be able to talk to Jason w/o BM getting angry/suspicious? Jason didn’t desert Sam. And I wonder about his character as a man,living in Jason’s penthouse, using monies he didn’t earn, not wanting to actually provide for Sam himself.
want billy miller to stay as jason! im not a fan of someone who jumps ship aka gh then go to y&r
jumped ship again now back to gh he needs to make his mind up
Billy is doing a great job as jason
bots are manipulating the vote now.
bots are manipulating the vote now.
I was very sad when Steve Burton left General Hospital, but now I LOVE Billy Miller and I LOVE him as Jason and his chemistry with Sam is AMAZING!!! I truly hope he stays on General Hospital!!!
Please give STeve Burton out of this. If he stays make him a crime mob vote but please leave Billy as Jason. He plays the role so much better than Burton did… I love Billy and Sam together..
I love Billy Miller as Jason. Billy & Kelly’s chemistry as Jason & Sam is Amazing. I want Billy to stay on GH.
Steve Burton can be another character.
Steve will forever be Jason Jason stonecold morgan. The original and the best
I agree sam is ment to be with him
Even though i like the other jason too wpuld rather see him with elizabeth than sam steve burton is the true jason morgan
I don’t believe this vote count at all, it’s fixed or it’s bots. No way Billy Miller over Steve Burton! Love Billy but Steve is “Stone Cold” always was, always will be.
GH how many characters are you going to get rid of just to free up funds to pay for Steve Burton return! We are okay with Billy playing Jason he has done an excellent job at making the transition. Steve is not worth our time or the money! Move your feet lose your seat!
Billy made the role his own. He has evolved as Jason, and there’s no going back. I love Billy Miller as Jason, and am angry they got rid of Hayden, and William devry, just to pay Steve Burton to come back. He is very unloyal to his fans at GH, and Y& R. Said the same thing to both of us. He left GH to be with his children, and ended up at y&R, then 3 years later left them, saying he wanted to be with his children, just to end up, back at GH. He has no loyalties at all, and that’s not a good thing. Please leave Billy Miller as the real Jason, and Burton can be, the twin, that Franco once thought he was
susan you said it its not fair for steve to come back to gh or y&r he left both orf them of his own free will im guessing that after awhile he will leave gh again
Of course he will, he has no loyalties to any of fans, and now I have no loyalty to him either. We lost Hayden and William Devry because of him. He’s not worth the great loss, that we now will have to endure. They should have left him gone.
I love General Hospital I have been watching since I was 15 years old now I”m in my 60s .
I feel Jason left and Billy replaced him at first i was sad to see Jason but everyone moves on . ……
Most of the time the story”s are good some seem to be dragged but i still love to watch the Soap
I tape the show so my husband and I can watch it together he likes it also.
Keep up the good work you do ………………..
they’re going to fix it where Jason the old Jason Steve Burton is going to be a different character and he is going to end up being a long lost twin of the new Jason Billy and the old Jason Steve Burton it’s going to take over for Sonny or Sonny’s going to give it to Sam’s dad and sunny is going to get Jack’s back that’s my opinion
Interesting theories, Margaret!
I’ve Steve Burton bring the character to live. I’m so glad he coming back to GH
I’ve Steve Burton bring the character to live. I’m so glad he coming back to GH I love the ideal of the twins story.
Steve Burton vacated the role in 2012, then oops!! He shows up at Y&R!!! He side-swiped GH!! Billy Miller made Jason his own as a mix of Jason Q & Jason M!!! I’ve been a fan since the late 70’s/early 80’svand I think Billy Miller should remain as the real Jason Q/M!!!! I see where GH is going with this!!! They are gonna use the OLTL route and to the Todd/Victor Jr thing where Steve B will be Jason and Billy M will be Alan Qs arther son Alan III or something like that!!!! It’s not gonna work with fans who’ve wAtched since the premiere!!!
I’ve been watching the show since before Jason was born, and he’s always been one of my favorite characters, Never, ever thought I’d feel this way, but Billy Miller is Jason now, and that’s how it should stay.
Like everybody else’s heart, mine broke when Jason #1 was lost at the docks. When the character was recast, all I felt was, “No! It’s never going to work. Only Steve is Jason.”
But wow, Billy has really breathed new and more nuanced life into Jason, and I no longer miss Steve at all. Quite honestly, given all the casting disruption his return is causing the show, I rather wish he’d just stay where he is and focus on shilling his diet pills or whatever they are.
Plus, the whole notion that Steve thinks he can waltz back onto the set whenever he feels like it just rubs me the wrong way. Nobody forced him to leave and break everybody’s hearts. And while I always loved Luke, and still hold out hope for his return (yeah, right!), the last thing GH needs is another Tony Geary, only half interested in the role at all and taking off for months at a time whenever the urge strikes him. Billy has thrown his heart and soul into the role, and that commitment to the show and to the viewers needs to be rewarded.
Quite honestly, I’m not looking forward to Steve returning in any capacity. I loved Sarah Joy Brown as the original Carly, and she’ll always be Carly to me. When she returned with darker hair, and was recast as somebody else, it was just weird and didn’t really work.
Yes, yes, yes to Billy. Big No to Steve. Much as we might like to, we can’t go back to the 90s.
I vote for Billy Miller! He is a much better actor in the role compared to Steve Burton’s one dimensional portrayal of Jason. I too, was sad when he left, and wasn’t sure Billy could fill his shoes. He did, and then some. Steve Burton has gotten too much preferential treatment and will not be the savior they hope will save the ratings. Losing good actors to pay his salary is too high a price for true longtime fans of this soap.
I agree with you Linda billy miller has gone above and beyond as placing Jason I feel steve burton does not know what he wants when he left gh he stated he was moving his family’s a better and safer place for his family then he shows up at young and restless and that lasted a nano second then poof he leaves young and restless and wham he wants to come back to gh!! I’m quite sure eventually he will quit again at gh
If anyone watched General Hospital when Steve Burton originally played Jason they would know it is a no-brainer. Steve is Stone Cold. His emotions and expressions with the characters he likes and dislikes and one word answers followed by silence is who Jason is. Billy talks way too much and is not aggressive enough to portray Jason Morgan. I think people are forgetting the real reason Ja-Sam became a word. I’m not saying Billy is a horrible actor, I was grateful to have him bring Jason back but now that the real Jason is back, there is just no comparison. Steve is STONECOLD!!!
I totally agree that only Steve Burton can be STONECOLD…jason morgan😍
Steve is stone cold!!!!! I like Billy but he needs to be the twin brother…. Steve and Kelly all the way best chemistry ever they made General hospital the most amazing love story ever … Billy can be with someone else and not Elizabeth like her with Franco…So excited the original Jason is back..
second that!!!! I am so sick of Liason fans give it up. Her and Franco are the perfect couple. Finally, she seems happy with the man she’s with:-) Only one she hasn’t cheated on. LOL
BILLY! let Steve be the twin. Billy and Sam are great together and I love their chemistry . BILLY DESERVES TO BE THE REAL JASON
Billy miller is jason
For me Steve Burton is the real Jason Morgan and always will be I am glad that he is back
Is this even a question? Steve Burton is Jason. Billy has been a cheap knock off from the start. Let new Jason have Sam. Liason all the way!
Amen 🙏🏾. Billy is a great actor but the character he’s been playing is not Jason! I can understand a person/character evolving but that wouldn’t change their overall demeanor. From day one watching (before and after his memory loss) he did not act like Jason would. He talks too much and everything was a joke. SB’s Jason had memory loss before and didn’t want to work for Sonny but he was overall the same person but without the guns! Again Billy isn’t a terrible actor and I’ve been greatfull to him for bringing Jason back to ge story BUT like everyone has been saying lately I’ve always felt with things he’s done that “Jason wouldn’t do that”. Just my 2 cents 😁
I agree what some of you say Steve button have a better chemistry with Sam than Billy Miller has in I know thatstev is the real jason
Im so confused on why anyone would accept Billy Miller as Jason Morgan! The people that like him must be fair whether fans because if they had been watching gh as long as I have they would not feel this way! Billy Millie brings no excitement to the character of Jason Morgan NONE his duck walk cracks me up , you can’t turn a complex character like Jason Morgan into a complete dud wich gh has done and expect LOYAL watcher to accept this b.s!!
I started watching General Hospital because of Steve Burton’s Jason and Sam. I left the show because he left and I came back because he is back. They are the only couple I have ever watched on any soap and I only watch them. (I fast forward through the rest.) I know I am not alone when I say that the original JaSam is why many people watched the soap and why many are coming back.
Steve Burton turned his back on General Hospital and joined Y&R. He had his chance. Billy Miller worked his butt off to fill Jason Morgan shoes. If it comes out that Billy Miller is not Jason Morgan than im done watching this show. Maybe it’s time they close the doors on General Hospital.
Steve Burton is the only jason!!!!
100% with you Brittany. SB is the only one who could play Jason. But lets not forget that SB has played many roles and pulled them off. He was a pilot abducted by aliens in TV series taken and a cop on Y&R whole different character and range of emotions. Billy Miller couldn’t hack stepping out of his real life persona for anything, not when he played an Army recruiter in American sniper or an officer Ray Donovan, same character, SAME FACE, SAME PERSONALITY, and there is nothing special about it. Kelly Monaco must have bumped her head one too many times on DWTS. And Fans must be crazy. What romance over the last 3 years, when he ditched her on their wedding day, or when he missed the fact she had encephalitis for months. I am dreading upcoming episodes and am 2 seconds from making the switch from jasam to liason. As for DREAM. BM couldn’t hack playing a role that made him step out of his real life persona for a second, and from what I see in real life and on daytime is a whiney goof ball who ruined Kelly Monaco/Sam. What happened to Sweet Sam, it took her like .0001 of a second to be like Jason WHO? I am convinced Kelly Monaco is dating BM in real life, which would somewhat explain her lap dog behavior around him and might be understandable if she’d own it, but then again I’d be embarrassed too. Sorry about the rant, but just watched today’s episode and I seriously wanted to vomit.
hmm… a hitman or a navy seal… yeah, real tough choice… both actors played the role well and had good chemistry with her… time moves on though, people change… not sure a mob hitman makes the best family man- the question is: is she in love with him because he “was” Jason, or because of the man he is (now), and all he does to take care of her and their family? i always liked the original jason, but now, even i have moved on, and so should she.
Love Steve Burton. He is real Jason. But i love Billy too. I want them both on gh.
Everybody is fighting over fictional characters letting this go further than the imagination. What I want is everyone to get along and this hatred over a TV show to stop. Humans say we are civilization. I say thats the biggest load that was ever said. Just reading this stuff on here proves that I’m right. If I am wrong, I dare you all to prove it!
After all these weeks of the two Jason’s thing, SB is Jason and Sam KM is choosing Drew BM. Evident that SB was Jason or else I would be questioning my sanity, but so disappointed in KM and the people downing SB. Frankly, its ridiculous.
First, look at the pics on this site used to compare the 2 Jasons. An old pic of a young Billy Miller in B&W vs. a recent pic of an older Steve Burton. NEED ANYONE SAY MORE. I WATCH TV TO SEE HOT ACTORS YES!!!!!
Now that SB is Jason, I can honestly say I really CAN’T STAND BM and the only reason I tolerated him was because GH dressed him up as Jason Morgan.
1) Why did GH bring SB back??? Obviously, HE WAS NEEDED AND WANTED. They paid him big money and made a lot of concessions in his contract, why, because he’s that good.
2) If you disagree with above, then why didn’t GH make BM Jason? Laughable, EVERYONE KNEW HE WASN’T JASON. HE COULD NOT ACT THE PART. JOB=ACTOR=U SUCK=GOODBYE.
3) Why then did they keep BM? SAD but probably TRUE, Kelly Monaco, or others who kinda feel sorry, don’t want to see him fired, whatever.
4) Do you really need to know Drew? NO, Billy Miller already conveyed everything the character is going to be during the last 3 years he was supposed to be portraying Jason Morgan. We are already repeating 2014. The same junk circling since he took the job.
– BOO HOO, I don’t know who I am. BOO HOO, coddle me because I’m mad and sad and insecure about who the hell I am.
– Oh look another woman falling desperate and neurotic for my goofball charm and bra-talk, because I’m always too busy dealing with my OWN selfish baggage or am just clueless to take notice she’s missing, knocked out in a basement, psycho, sick with encephalitis, or kidnapped and having our baby in a sewer.
-I’m sure passion with Kim Nero was much like ribs with Spinelli after I do and skip the honeymoon to visit my ex on our wedding day. No valentines day specials or day trips to the island. Rather, hurry up Kelly Monaco take off your clothes and sit on me for the umpteenth time. -Look a jacket!!! YAY!!! It doesn’t match the new lifestyle I planned for you though. But hey, let’s get together and do another super slow motion action scene. I though Sam was dead for sure when he landed on her the first time. Then again, she was lucky, Morgan blew up and he didn’t shed a tear. But then, Sam did have their baby in a sewer and he chose to explode for Robin.
– A family man, great with kids, HAH!!! Oscar look out Jake was only a complete psycho for 2 years and Danny spends most of his time with the Quartermaine dog. Nothing like that horrible SB Jason who raised, rescued, and did everything including going to prison for Michael.
-No this latest version is something else. An assassin navy seal who manages to fall sub par to a self made mobster in combat skills has for some reason out of the blue decided WE want to run a media company. I mean who honestly thinks it is sexy for a man to be like —- “By the way babe, you’ll be quitting that ultra hot sexy PI career u love to pull double duty running a multimillion dollar company and raising our kids while I stare at a screensaver trying to figure out my life!”
Does no one else see the complete asinine ridiculous of all this or is it just me?”
Honestly, I hate to be mean, but it is like everyone including KM is just brainwashed by this loser and I can’t seem to figure out why? What is heroic, hot, romantic about any of the above or the Actor for that matter?
Oh well, I survived the death of EJ Dimera, I guess I’ll survive the utter destruction of JaSam. At least we have the real Jason back. Tis a shame though, I really loved that couple.