Two of the soap industry’s most reliable sources told a tantalizing tale that could rock the soap world. They said Steve Burton is set to return to the land of daytime drama, strongly hinting a return by Burton to GH.
Home Sweet Home
In a Tweet, which you can see below along with others, Jamey Giddens, the trusted soap source at Daytime Confidential, hinted at a comeback that would ignite a war between five fanbases.
Related: James DePaiva will play a doctor on GH–but other than that what do we know?
Another soap journalist trusted by fans and industry people alike, Michael Logan, said he’d say it if no one else would: it’s Steve Burton.
So Many Questions
Don’t Miss: GH star Risa Dorken tied the knot this weekend.
We’re thinking exactly the same things you are, dear Soap Cities readers! What soap is Burton going to? If it were Y&R, would it really cause this kind of excitement? We think not dear SC readers. Only Burton going back to his home of more than 20 years would cause an industry and fan base uproar! So to us that rules out Days and B&B.
Next question: who will Burton play? Will he be Jason Morgan, Jason Quartermaine (pre-Morgan memory), or will he be a clone of Helena’s? If it’s Jason on GH, what will happen to Billy Miller’s Jason? Will BM end up being Jake instead? Will we have a Tale of Two Jasons story like the Tale of Two Todds on OLTL??
What do you think dear SC readers? We definitely want to hear from you!!
Before You Go: GH icon Kimberly McCullough gave birth recently.
If a face launched a thousand ships, this news will ignite at least 5 fanbase wars.
— Jamey_Giddens (@Jamey_Giddens) June 26, 2017
Well if nobody else will say it, I will. It’s Steve Burton.
— Michael Logan (@TVGMLogan) June 26, 2017
Giddens responded to a Logan’s Tweet, this way.
Bwaaaaaaa! 😀 https://t.co/ADA6lPaxWM
— Jamey_Giddens (@Jamey_Giddens) June 27, 2017
And fanbases go nuts in 5, 4, 3, 2…
— Jamey_Giddens (@Jamey_Giddens) June 27, 2017
Give us your input in the comment section below. Check back with Soap Cities for more GH spoilers, recaps, news, and fun! Follow us on Twitter at @soapcities, on Instagram at @soapcities, and come chat with us in our Facebook group. Catch General Hospital weekdays on ABC.
Discussion24 Comments
NO PLEASE!!!! Steve Burton can act for s**t!! I don’t want to see wooden Pinocchio actor boy on my screen again. Will fast forward through every scene he’s in if they bring him back!
There’s that soap fan passion we love, even if we like SB and want him back on GH, or somewhere in daytime, which we do. 🙂
You have lost your damn mind. Steve as jason was an excellent actor now what he was for you on another channel is a different story. But he is always welcomed back. Billy is good his fight tech is weak snd non believable. I know he is sams husband in real life but steve was on point precise and never missed
Where did you hear that Billy and Kelly are married in real life? They briefly dated I believe, but not married
I agree. Jason stood out with Steve, but with Billy he’s like every other soap character.
You’re in the minority.
He is not wanted anymore
there will not be another Jason like steve burton was, Miller is good, but no Jason, make Miller a triplet and give burton back his role. 3 brothers, franco, Jason and whatever they choose to call miller. now this would be a tgerrific story line.
I hope not. He left, I Love BM. Spend the salary $$$ on B Anderson. Please, Frank NO!
I love BM as Jason and. I also loved SB as Jason.
Billy Miller is Jason…. PERIOD! Fans need to stop throwing a pissy pussy fit , A cat with an attitude throwing a temper tantrum , wait and see what he plays , GEESH! if this means this will raise up the ratings…..SO BE IT I’M ALL FOR IT! I’m not implying that none of us work for ABC and write storylines for General Hospital , I’M NOT but let us get our a**es up their writing scripts for a Soap Opera that’s 54yrs old , 5 days a week! YES the storylines are dragged out a little bit YES they get a little stupid but hey….this is GH and thats been happening on this show for years. AND I’m not going to stop watching because of it ,and want to have my way because I don’t see what I want. I agree with some of the fans , but STOP COMPLAING AND F***ING B***HING AND ENJOY GH! People better be thankful it’s still on the air! No writing is perfect Eric O but let’s see who Burton plays. They didn’t say who , because their not SUPPOSE TO DISCUSS STORYLINE SCRIPT , IS THEIR POLICY. Steve was good as Jason , but Billy Miller is Jason Morgan E.O.D End Of Discussion!
Love it!!!
Steve Burton Stone cold Jason Q Love him so him so Much I wait too Watch him on General Hospital
That would be a dream to have Steve back as The REAL Jason Q. Morgan with ALL of his memories intact. I like Billy Miller but not as the original Jason; not his fault, the writers turned him into a wimp. Just my opinion, but I’d love to see BM stay on a Jason clone and stay with Sam, leaving SB to return as original JQM and reunite Liason once and for all. It would be a great way to make things right after all they’ve done to rewrite history.
What if Sam’s hallucinations end and Steve Burton walks in and she says “Jason! I knew you’d come back!”
PLEASE come back to GH Steve!
I agree with you Toure that everyone should just be happy that’s GH is still on the air. I loved SB as Jason but I feel that Billy has made the role his and they need to leave it at that. Don’t do that stupid story thing they did with OLTL Todd Manning. I was really pissed about that and it didn’t save or keep the show on the air any longer before they canceled it. Sam & Jason (Billy) has a nice family together and I really hope the producers and writers don’t mess it up. Don’t get me wrong I would love to see more action like Sam & Jason use to do but leave them and their family together as it was written.
This won’t make me watch I’m afraid, Shelly Altman can’t write anything good and Nathan and Frank will be dictating everything so it will be bad no matter who is onscreen.
Bring my real Jason back…billy Miller could end up being a fraud and love blooms again for a troubled sam…..please real Jason come save her…PLEASE…..LOVE LOVE SOME STEVE BURTON…..
If Billy does not want to stay at GH I would love to see Steve back as Jason Morgan. I love them both WITH SAM. but it can always be written that Jason has his memories back so he want his old face back and have surgery. I don’t to see them both as Jason. I”m a huge fan of both but only one Jason at a time. and this is only if Billy don’t want to stay on or if he stay on the Ray Donovan series. I did not see the chemistry with Becca with neither Jason. Becca chemistry was wit Nicholas and Lucky . never Jason I know a lot of fans would love for Liarson but it was never a good pairing. I like Becca but not with Jason and this was even before Sam ever came into the picture. It never works if it have I would have being all for it. please do not have two Jason as a forty year very dedicated fan and loving both Jasons and having to watch them play against each other would be my time to stop watching.
If Billy does not want to stay at GH I would love to see Steve back as Jason Morgan. I love them both WITH SAM. but it can always be written that Jason has his memories back so he want his old face back and have surgery. I don’t to see them both as Jason. I”m a huge fan of both but only one Jason at a time. and this is only if Billy don’t want to stay on or if he stay on the Ray Donovan series. I did not see the chemistry with Becca with neither Jason. Becca chemistry was wit Nicholas and Lucky . never Jason I know a lot of fans would love for Liarson but it was never a good pairing. I like Becca but not with Jason and this was even before Sam ever came into the picture. It never works if it have I would have being all for it. please do not have two Jason as a forty year very dedicated fan and loving both Jasons and having to watch them play against each other would be my time to stop watching.
Yes…yes… yes…it would be AWESOME TO HAVE THE REAL JASON BACK WHERE HE BELONGS!! That is the best news I have heard since he left. Not only will it be amazing to have him back…it will put GH back on the map igniting many storylines across the canvas. I sure hope it’s true. Welcome home Steve…we have missed you so very much!!
I think that it’s all a crock, a ratings ploy and nothing more!!