In daytime, fan opinion can make or break a storyline, especially when that storyline has to do with a couple. So Days of Our Lives fans, we want to know whom you want to see Chad with!
A Love That Conquered Death
It was as if the universe had given the lovebirds a second chance when Abigail (Marci Miller) walked back into Chad’s (Billy Flynn) life. Chabby, as passionate Chad/Abby fans have named them, share not only a rare type of love bond, but they share a son, Thomas, as well. So, we at Soap Cities are guessing a lot of you want these two to be together.
Life Is All About Change, On the Other Hand
While Abby was away, Chad and Gabi (Camila Banus) began working together. The more time they spent in each other’s company, the more they realized something else existed between them. Sparks flew. When Deimos (Vincent Irizarry) held the two captive, the two couldn’t deny that whatever feelings they had shared were still there. We think there might be a lot of you who want Chad and Gabi to explore their sizzling chemistry and see where it takes them. You do, after all, miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.
Not Interested!
Then there are some of you who probably don’t care whom Chad picks. We want you to have your say too!
So Whom Should It Be?
Now these three are locked in a back and forth tussle. The only way it’s going to get resolved is when one of them makes a firm decision to get in or out. The most obvious way for this to happen would be for Chad, once and for all, to choose either Abby or Gabi. Or for one of the three to say they’ve had enough of it altogether!
Give us your input in the comment section below. Check back with Soap Cities for more Days spoilers, recaps, news, and fun! Follow us on Twitter at @soapcities, on Instagram at @soapcities, and come chat with us in our Facebook group. Catch “Days of Our Lives” weekdays on NBC.
Discussion114 Comments
Sorry, but I DO NOT envision this “nuAbby” with Chad! For me, they have absolutely NO chemistry!
On the other hand, Gabi has “chemistry to spare” with Chad! They belong together!
If Kate Mansi was still playing Abigail, it would be a different story!
I’m not knocking nuAbby’s acting prowess…she simply has NO chemistry with Chad!
I am team Chad/Gabi all the way!
Now, nuAbby and Dario–there’s chemistry!
You guys Billy FYNN has left salem who is going to be the new chad does any one know is who it is I hope casey Reed will come back and fight for abby
Billy FYNN has left salem he said he wish the new chad a good luck billy fynn is off making a movie with steven Spielberg called the dead river comes out next January 2018 I want marci miller the 16 year old kid to leave salem she cant act. she dress like a old lady and waering a very wig and to much makeup and stupid and childish and laugh to much
Remember it was Billy who picked Marci for his costar.
Completely Agree!!
Chad nerds to kick Gabe the jail bird alone he is a busimessman.
Abba needs to be kicked to curb she can’t act or dress .Get a new girl on show.i have been watching snow for 4G years Chad and Gabe had nothing in pass
Abigail should be with Chad not gabby
I agree 💯
Sorry I like chad to be with Abby I believe she can help chad with his business more than Gabi.
Chad and Abby does have chemistry; there life has just started as husband and wife; but they haven’t been given the chance; cause the writer’s had made it seem like Abby had gone crazy from her relationship with ben; then the writers made Abby to appear to be dead. There for chad and Abby has not been given the chance.
I know this is old, but I keep looking for people who want to see Chad and Abby stay together. For me I see lots of chemistry between the nu Abby and Chad. When they play their special song and dance and finally got back together in the bedroom I thought it was beautiful. I hate how the writers had to make up history and shove Gabi and Chad down our throats. I guess for some it worked, but not for me. I like Gabi and Eli better. As it is now all I do is FF Chad and Gabi because I resent seeing them together. Can’t stand Dario who is nothing, but a creep. He would never go legit and wait until Abby finds out how not only is he not going to be deported he is handling the dirty end of the business. Abby was trying to make Chad legit for his son Thomas and Gabi could care less. What is wrong with Chad, Abby and Thomas being together as a family? All that Abby and Chad had to go through with Ben (even if played by the previous actress) was the true story not this we had this made up baseball history. The other thing they do wrong is the way they dress Abby now compared to Gabi. Again, trying to make her look sexy and Abby not as much. When Abby dresses up she is every bit as beautiful and sexy as Gabi. No wonder Days isn’t doing well in the ratings because there are some of us myself included who are hanging on by a thread because of the false history and having Abby who loves Chad more than life itself file for divorce.
I agree with you i love chad abby together i think they should find someone else for gabby
I love Chad and Abby together they have a so so keep the family together…. Chad loves his son and his wife Abby…Find someone else for Gabby she deserves her own and not someone else husband…..Eli is a great catch for Gabby and I do not like Dario and Abby together can’t wait o see what happens when Abby learn how deceitful Dario is and she dump him … pI do not like some of the scenes in days. I have been watching since I was a little girl… my mother used to watch it and that’s how I started… please stop the madness on the show I ‘m about to stop watching ……
Baby is and always been too wishy-washy. I dislike the new actress playing her character. Gabby is gorgeous and I l ove her and Chad together. They are my favorite characters!
I agree completely with everything you said! I absolutely HATE seeing Chad and Gabi together! I hate dairo and I get so angry everytime I see Chad and Gabit together. You brought Eli in and him and Gabi looked great together. another side note. stop trying to create a chemistry between Eli and Loni! Not unless you can return Gabi and her Abby’s brother together again.
I am with you… Chad and Gabi seemed way too forced to me. I actually think nuAbby and Chad have more chemistry than the previous Abby.
I totally agree! Chad belongs with Abby. End of story. Chad has always only been friends with Gabi. They went to high school together. They never had a relationship. Abby lost her virginity to Chad. They have so much history and they belong together. I am getting so tired of this new story line. It sucks!
Agreed Chad and Abby were very much in love, they need to write more live scenes for the two….re spark the flame they were a power couple
Chad and Abby should stay together. You writers should have Gabi and JJ get back together. Those two have so much chemistry. When Gabi was in the square crying, JJ showed up to comfort her, she was warm to him.
Called him amazing. You could see how much JJ loves her. Then Lano showed up with coffee, and things changed.
Then Gabi left. Lani said she felt uncomfortable, but JJ said he felt Gabi needed comforting, and Lani said he has seen her a couple of times that day. If JJ and Gabi had a few more minutes together, there relationship could have changed. He wanted to be closer.
Frank I agree Gabi should be with JJ and if not then Eli. Anyone, but Chad who I don’t know where some see this chemistry between them, but like you I love Abby and Chad along with Thomas together.
I want Chad and Abby to be together. I am sick of Kate and Gabi!
I have watched this show for 30 years an if there will be know more Chad an Abby I will not watch it anymore.. Kate an Gabi need to grow up an get on with there own lives..
I would like to see Chad stay with Abby and Gabi get back with JJ. Then I would like to see Lani and Eli hook up. After that I don’t care who they pair off. JJ and Gabi connected so well after Paige was killed, they became another cute couple. Every time they are on, my screen lights up. They have great chemistry. On camera, they don’t appear to be forcing their laughs and it looks like they enjoy acting together. I enjoy watching Gabi laugh. They were so cute in scenes in the plaza where they were imitating various plays JJ appeared to be really enjoying himself. Then they had their first kiss after the movie. That was so sweet. . .
We hear ya, Frank!
Please, Don’t let This Awful Story Line Go on Any longer!!! Put Chad back with Abby, and Thomas! We here in Boston, are So Unhappy, Seeing Abby and Chad apart like this!! It’s Breaking Our Hearts and when They Cry We do too, it’s just So Sad!!! I Really Hope you Consider What I have to Say, as I speak For Many People, Who feel the Same Way!!
I couldn’t agree more. I have stopped watching since Abby asked for divorce. And Gabbi and JJ should be couple
Chad and Abby all the way! I can’t believe how you wrote the story line for Abby to punish Chad for doing the right thing in saving both Abby and Gabi! Anybody would have done what Chad did people. For once can’t a family stay together on one of these soaps PLEASE! So tired of the well I will just move on to another. Chad and Abby should stay together and build an empire together!
Good point, Lorrie.
Chad and Gabi all the way!!! I can feel the excitement with those to. I FF through Chad and Abby. Sorry Chabby fans its just my opinion.
And we want to hear it!
I agree! It’s really everyone’s opinion really. I feel sparks when it’s Gabi and Chad not so much with Abby. Seriously though that is the soap game this love triangle and the back and forth….. I would never say I was going to stop watching if two people don’t end up together! And these our the Days of Our Lives……❤️
You know what, Christy? We here at Soap Cities agree 100%. You NEVER stop watching. The soap itself is an entity with which we have a relationship.
Chad and Abby need to stay together. I understand that he and Gabi got close when he thought Abby was dead, but those feelings had just begun to develop and they will fade. He loves Abigail and they have a son together. It is just so unrealistic that a wife would just give up on the man she loves because another woman is trying to come between them. A real woman fights for her man! She just doesn’t say, “Well, you say you love him, so I will just get out of your way and let you have him.” Also, pairing Abby with Dario is not a good storyline. Can you imagine the awkward family dinners if Chad and Gabi get together and Abby and Dario get together? Just leave a happy couple alone for once! Please!!!
I agree. Not happy about the story line of a woman giving up her man. Stupid story line. Don’t like Dario much
I am ready to stop watching if Chad and Abigail do not get back together!!! Yes, the original Abigail had much more chemistry than the new one, but the story line shouldn’t suffer because of that. Chad and Abigail have a one of a kind love and have unfairly never been given the chance to just be and have their relationship/marriage grow and become what it should and could be. Especially now with Thomas involved- why can’t there ever be a happy couple/family, with just some normal ups and downs, instead of it always being cheating and death. Give them a damn chance to be a married couple – they never got it and deserve it!!!!!! And lastly, Kate is so annoying in general, but she needs to get a life and stay out of their business- like she is one to ever take advise from.
Don’t stop watching, Amanda! Soaps, esp Days, need all our support in this day and age!
I’m right there with you Amanda..
i would like chad and abigail to stay together ans gabi with jj
Love Chad and Abby. Please don’t break them up. If Gabriel was really her friend, she would stop sneaking around Chad ever time he’s not with Abby.
Maybe she will now that she has Eli? Hopefully?
i think chad and abigail should stay together and gabi and jj
Chad and Gabi all the way! Dario and Abby and JJ and Lani.. it all works… Eli and ??
I really feel for Chad. Abby has abandoned him twice and it’s about time for the guy to be happy. His feelings for Gabi are undeniable and hers for him. And Abby does deserve a man to fully love her. Otherwise she’s just co-dependent. I have tried to feel for Abby and Chad but they don’t match anymore. She needs to be independent and get passed needing to be rescued. I just can’t get into Chabby..they are irritating. Of course so is Kate but she did miss out with Eduardo. Can’t blame her for pushing the subject of Chad and Gabi.
At least Eli knows what he is – a rebound. He’s very hot and someone will come along and snatch him up…I just hope he doesn’t fall for Gabi too hard.
Here’s my take. There is a big plus for Gabi and Chad. They love each other, and each other’s kids. Ari loves Chad, and Thomas loves Gabi. now we have a family.
Abby said she loves Chad, but she has let him go twice. She wanted to see him with Gabi. But now she wants him back. She can’t make up her mind. She took his ring off and walked out the door, although she cried afterwards. She was indifferent toward Chad. Any guy would take a hint after that. Chad did, and went to Gabi. JJ did same thing when Gabi didn’t want to see him anymore. Any guy will start looking again. Chad is now on an Island with Gabi. who loves him, and wants to be with him. He repeats over and over he loves Abby. But now she files for divorce and before that is even final, she becomes engaged. That is being unstable. (Being thousands of miles away from each other, how do they find that out)? Now she wants to see Chad, before she marries again. What’s that about? If all this takes place, JJ will be left out. Chad will be with Gabi. Abby will be with Jordi, unless they divorce. Eli will end with Lani.
You tell ’em, Frank! 🙂 Thanks for reading and commenting.
Definitely Chad and Gabby their chemistry is hot and it’s undeniably they have more fun together. Yea Chad and Abby have a kid together but that shouldn’t be the reason to stay together. Every time you hear about them the kid gets put in the mix. I don’t see chemistry with Chad and Abby anymore. Especially since the actor changed. I want Dario to finally find love. I think Dario and Abby are perfect for eachother.
Good point, Jessica. Thanks for reading and commenting.
In the beginning I enjoyed JJ being with Gabi. Watching the two having fun together was fun to see. But after watching the new Abby being so whiney with Chad and Dario and her divorce from Chad, has not made any sense, and not listening to her mother, has turned me off. I now enjoy the scenes with Gabi and Chad much more. Her acting is much better than Abby’s. Although she and Chad worked well for a while, I don’ t see them as a couple anymore. Eli said it best with Gabi, she is the one for Chad. The writers have also written the scenes for Gabi and JJ, very well.
Oh no Frank you have changed your mind all because of what the writers have done to destroy the s/l. I am positively done if they don’t put Abby back with Chad. Of course I have gotten frustrated with the writing for Abby, but we all know it’s the writers who have made her act the way she is and not listening to her mother was another stupid thing they did. Not only that, but the writers have thrown Gabi and Chad together at every turn. Right now seeing Gabi on the island boo hooing because she misses Ari makes me question her as a mother. She is acting like a child herself. Instead of staying home with her child Ari she just had to go along to see Demois get his. Sorry I think that was the most child like decision she has ever done. Not the decision of a mother who would always put her child first. Even her actions on the island have been ridiculous. She knows the curse and how many times has she had the anvil in her hands and can’t bear to get rid of it knowing all the bad luck everyone is experiencing. I don’t have many shows left to watch if they proceed with this nonsense. So long Days it was nice, but I don’t enjoy watching any longer.
Definitely Chad and Abby!!!! Gabbi and Eli are great together. She should stay away from her
Best friends husband…….Dario needs a love interest just not Abby!!!!!!
we hear ya, S!
Chad and Abby all the way,Gabi needs to move on,this is getting boring and dragged out to much.And Dario and Gabi would be terrible,find the 2 siblings someone else to be involved in.
Chad and Gabi….no question!
I agree that the Kate Mansi was the original but I think nuabby deserves a chance before we doom them when Kate Mansi was on it looked as a fairy tale I don’t think they have had a real storyline yet and Chad and Gabby just doesn’t fit they make good friends maybe if chad and gabby had become romantic b4 chad and Abigail but it became too much I think it just will take some time to pick up on the new Abigail and chad chemistry because when she first came it looked as if they were trying to hard to make chemistry I would have loved it if chad would have been angry longer and they did not just jump back together but it should have been more real emotion it was like a week and he forgave her and they pretended to be so happy so I think the storyline has been faulty but gabi and eli look great together or now and I think they jumped into a abby and Dario storyline too soon
Totes, Keith! Thank you for reading and commenting.
Definitely Chad and Gabbi…. the new Abby has no chemistry with this chad.. the old Abigail would be perfect buy of course she’s not on the show anymore. This Abigail has better chemistry with Dario. Maybe she could make Dario a better man. And he can find love. I’m so tired of the whole everyone on the show sleeping with everyone and still nothing stays stable. I was surprised Will and Sonny’s marriage had no surprises except after. But it was a nice thing.. things het to predictable. We need to shake things up.
Thank you for reading and commenting, Jessica!
It’s supposed to say” not be so predictable” I love this show.. I never miss an episode. I think I started watching this ever since Marlana was posed by a demon. The show has come a long way. But like i said Chad’ s whole “It’s the right thing to do” CO parenting is the norm now a days for what ever reason. As long as both parents work together that child will have plenty of love.
Chad and Gabi have known each other since high school.They have been friends since high school.They have had chemistry since high school.They have been in sync since high school.They have been able read each other since high school.They have fit together since high school.They have been compatible since high school.They have had similar likes and interests since high school.They have been there for each other since high school.She was there for him when his wife the mother of there child pretended to be dead.He saw her with there son.She had no intention of him ever knowing she was alive.He forgave her in a week.She was cured in a week.He only chose Abby because they have a child together.Chad and Gabi have chemistry.Chad and Abby have 0 chemistry.Dario and Abby have chemistry.Chad and Abby fans want Chad to forgive , forget , give her a free pass.Chad/Gabi and Dario/Abby.
Gabi actually kidnapped Melanie when he was in love with Melanie put her in danger….at the time he made it clear he didn’t want Gabi she became psycho Chad hated Gabi for that they wrote fake chemistry about the two Chad hated gabi
Exactly! Do the writers think we forgot that? Chad and Abby all day!
Please give Chad and Abby a chance…Get Gabi away from Chad and let her and JJ do their thing. Gabi just seems desperate to me and Dario needs to hook up with Chloe because they are 2 peas in a pod and deserve each other…Please find someone for Kate so she can keep her nose out of everyone else’s business. Thank you…I love my DOOL.
We totally understand, Lily.
We are back to this again. You writers did this recently. Didn’t you like the answers you got earlier.
The majority wanted Chad to stay with Abby. Let Gabi and JJ, be together, because there is friction developing between JJ and Lani. She doesn’t have much faith in him. That leaves Lani and Eli to hook up.
Lani and Eli–now there’s a though. Good, Frank!
I love how you think!you should help write this! Dario and Chloe is perfect! Kate needs extended holiday, she bores me
Agree, Sabrina! Lily, that was inspired. Dario and Chloe! Woo hoo!
Lily I agree Dario and Chloe fit together. Both are bad and here Dario claims he loves Abby so much, but obviously not enough to stop doing bad business. Yes Kate needs to stop sticking her nose out of their business, but now looks like she and Andre will tie the knot in order to save the company.
Chad and Abby need to stay together. I look forward to the days they are on. There whole story line from Ben on has been great don’t destroy it with gabby who has been around the block. She needs to get out of this picture and move in. If Chad ends up with her. I will no longer watch days and I have watched days along time. EJ and Sammy were another one of my favorites.
But you gotta support the soaps, regardless of storyline. No?
Chad and Abby all the way been watching days since Tom Horton was on it don’t disappoint me now
Chad and Abby all the way been watching days since Tom n Alice Horton was on it when they were young don’t disappoint me now bring them back together soon
Wow! Longtime viewer. Love that, Grace.
I thank Abigail and Chad should stay together they had the ups and downs so I want them to stay together
Yes, when you see a couple get through so much, you want them together, right?
I want to see Chad and Abby together after all they have been through. Let Gabe find her own man….
Know what you mean, Sandra.
Do not break up Abby and Chad!!!! Give them a chance. Best friends should not covet after best friend’s husband . Holier than thou Gabby dumped JJ for being honest with her. Her background isn’t perfect
Thanks for reading and commenting, Danette.
I agree. The whole reason i watch is to find out what happens with holly and Nicole and to watch Abby and chad. However i have not been watching lately because I am not going to watch anymore as long as Chad and Abby aren’t going to be together. Especially if she does in fact go through and marry Dario I will never watch again. Im team #chabby all the way!!!!!
Awww, come on! You gotta support your soap/s, Vanity. 🙂
Abi all the way!I didn’t think I would like the new Ani but she’s doing a great job! Gabi is not Chads type at all and I don’t see the chemistry. I have been watching this soap for 35 years and am tempted to stop. Let real love exist in this sad world..lol.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Robi!
Hands down…Gabi!!! Their chemistry is undeniable and the connection is soooo strong! There is no chemistry with Abi…and she made the choice twice to leave him. She doesn’t deserve Chad! It feels very forced between him and Abi…very natural with him and Gabi!
Thank you for reading and commenting, Vickie. You make a convincing case! 🙂
Chad and Gabi 💯
I think Chad should be with Abby. Can’t soap keep at least one family together for a Change. Write some other problem for them so they can work together and help solve some of the other characters problems. Chad And Abby need a break.
The storyline that’s going on with Gabby is just ridiculous. She was with JJ not very long. Then not long after she’s all over chad then she’s kissing the cop and now shes under a blanket with chad when she was just with the cop. So unrealistic. Absolutely don’t like those two together.
Sorry I’m team Chad and Abby all the way!
Agreed, Gabi storyline silly.
Abby needs to reunite with Chad, they have much more chemistry together than with anyone else. Her leaving him made no sense. Most of the time I’ve been FFing through Chad & Gabi scenes. JJ & Gabi were cute together & although I did like her with Eli, he might be a good match for Lani…..there’s a definite spark between them. I like Dario since I’ve been a fan of Jordi’s since AMC but don’t like how he’s duping Abby…..that shows he cares more about himself than her.
Franny you and I think exactly alike. I said the same thing if Dario loved Abby so much he wouldn’t be doing bad business. Also, like you I FF Chad and Gabi. She had no business going to Greece. Her missing Ari so much seems fake because the next minute she is kissing Chad. She should have stayed home with her daughter. Just look at all the time the writers have thrown Chad and Gabi together. If they had invested the same amount of time with Chad and Abby instead of the stupid writing we would have seen chemistry galore. My favorite part is when they play their song and they dance together and end up in the bedroom. Nothing is more beautiful than that imo.
Chad and Abigail have to reunite. They are a power couple like EJ and Sami and John and Marlena. Gabbi gets involved with everyone.put her with Eli.
Sorry people, Chad and Abby belong together. We has seen the new Abby step up in many situations to help Chad in business and personal life. Abby keeps Chad level, Gabi chemistry with Chad has been sexual only sure she helped him out a couple of times so what..keep in mind Gani has always been the rebound girl for every male on Days of our lives..thats been her history from the start. Abigail is sweet and kindhearted, but let her get in a tight situation she steps up to the home plate everytime. Chad and Abby are the end game..Once Chad gets home Gabi will just be a name in the wind..so Eli and Gabi good for each other.
Sing it, sister! 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting, Nichole.
Definitely want to c Chad n Abby together
Abby and Chad– power couple as previously commented. I personally can’t stand the Gaby character. (She needs to see a good plastic surgeon to fix her ears– or else NEVER show them!). Chad and Abby have a child together and that should be considered. Let Gaby get in somebody else’s bed. The new Abby is doing a great job. Kate Mansi decided to move on–and leave. Let her go if she thinks the grass is greener on the other side. Ironically they always come back–those who’ve watched Days for years have seen this.
I will not watch any more if the writers continue to pair Gabi with Chad and ignore that the fans are waiting for this show to demonstrate that love, marriage and family are worth figting for and that a decent man will not and does not move on and inform his wife that he shares his love with another women. STUPID. There is enough turmoil in the world without having to watch a show that enjoys demonstrating the destruction of a couple that have been in love for a long time for a women that jumps from one man to another. GET REAL. Do the writers even know what real love means and is.
I’m done with Dool. So sick of the twists and turns on this show. People never stay together on here . Always plotting. I’m tired of it.
But Ron Carlivati’s material is going to air soon. Stick with it! 🙂 No?
Hopefully Ron had the right idea and put Chad and Abby back together. If he did then I will continue to watch. What I am watching now is too painful and doesn’t reflect the history of the show. jmo
Diandra Ramirez all right Ciara and Chad Pete to get her to Love you jj and Eli this is cousin Ciara so sorry Gabby and abby Siri I love sorry I happy together with Ciara Yes is this true she yes him chad I love your show days of our lives
I love Chad and Gabi together.. HOT COUPLE with lots chemistry! They have been friends since high school and I DON’T like him with Abby.. But sounds so petty when people say they will stop watching if a certain couple get together. I’ve been watching days FOR YEARSSSSSSS.. good and bad storylines.. I’M 100%% FOR GABI AND CHAD.. what a awesome hot couple!!!
I want Chad & Abby together, Gabi need to get her own man. She should have taken on Eli with his handsome self, just leave Chad alone. He need his family, and without his family I don’t want to see Chad with no one else. Dario is a mess, Abby should have known when he lied to her at first. I wish that Hope Brady catches on to him, he is such a loser. One more ugly situation is Chad making love to Gabi that is awful and stupid, please don’t let Abby do the same with Dario. I agree I really don’t want to watch Days without Chad & Abby together, they are the reasons why I stay stuck on Days.
After watching today and seeing gabi and chad ready to make love, I AM DONE with this show after many years. The writers do not care about the strong feelings the fans have for Chad and Abby and that their love has endured so much -that should not have ended in such a short space of time,. You writers have made men, loving husbands to be weak and heartless- not to mention that there are men who only loveONE woman and it takes much to come between that and also – TIME,
I do not appreciate where you have taken the relationship between Abby and Chad – SO SAD I also do not know any female willingly to share her husbands’s heart with another. It sure took you time to write that correctly and get real.
I agreed with Sharlene’s response, I do not want to see Chad and Gabi together! I would like to see JJ and Gabi together again but she needs to get over Chad. I agree Kate is annoying too!!! Dairo is a horrible man and he does not deserve Abby!
I literally hat seeing Chad and Gabi together!! it makes me angry everytime I have to watch it! I hope these comments get viewed by the Days writers!!
Chad and Abby all the way! I have come to dislike Gabi very much. How can she call herself a friend?
I hate when she and Chad are on – it makes me sick. I loved Kate Mansi in her role as Abby but the new Abby is growing on me. She and Chad deserve a happy ever after.
Chad and Gabbi should stay together
If it was the old Abby I’d say absolutely. But don’t like this Abby at all! I think Chad and Gabi should stay together. They are much better together than Gabi and JJ. Sorry but JJ looks too young to be with Gabi. I love Chad and Gabi together. Please develop this story line.
Chad And Abby All The Way!!!!The New Storyline Is Just NOT GOOD!! I Cannot Stand Chad And Gabbi!!!
I like Chad with old Abby & new Abby! Gabby needs to leave town!!! She is so annoying!!
I think Chad and Gabi has such chemistry. With Gabi there is no drama. They just enjoy each other. I am so tired if Abbi playing the victim. She puts Chad through so much so I think it’s time for Chad to be with someone he can have some fun with. If you ask me both Jennifer’s children are real pains in the as…… I have been watching Days for about 40 years and I usually know when couples work and don’t and Gabi and Chad works all they need is time
Love Chad and Gabbi together. Abbey is way to wishy-washy. I do not like new Abbey.
I think Stephano and Gabi. Chad and Abby are weak together. I am personally bored with it. Make Stephano and Gabi a power couple. I think Gabi brought the Dimera out in Chad. Abby makes him look like a hot headed cry baby. I hate that because I use to love Chad.